29 May 2024

Mitropoulos rarities


I fished out this CD bought several years ago, I don't remember where (maybe in a used record store?) I take the opportunity to "save" it by making a digital copy and here it is!

A group of little-known recordings by Mitropoulos, in good sound for the period. 

The most interesting are the Spanish Rhapsody (with Egon Petri) and the Bach-Casella Ciaccona from the Partita II. The "Orchestra of Radio Italiana" is the Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI (2 June 1950)

Complete booklet with details included.



Guido said...


Renegade Priest said...

Thank you - Mitropoulos' repertoire was fascinating. I'm very much looking forward to hearing this, it's all new to me.

alfred venison said...

thank you very much. -cheers, a.v.